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Januay 07

The only thing planted by the Farc is antipersonnel mines: President Uribe

The Head of State denounced that there are some supporters of that guerrilla in foreign countries, in charge of creating web sites, videos and documentaries as the one recently published in Argentina, which presents guerrilla’s members as humble farmers who make a living with their farming. Uribe Vélez declared that they are working in the search of these people, considered as “white-collar criminals”.

Bogota, Jan 7 (SP). Once more, President Álvaro Uribe Vélez rejected the documentary published in Argentina, in which the Farc is shown as a group of humble farmers and expressed that “the only thing that Farc do about planting is to plant antipersonnel mines”.

The Head of Stated asked international community to understand that Farc’s members “enslave Colombian farmers to destroy the woods and grow coca, and if a farmer does not obey, they kill him”.

In an interview with Bogotá Capital Radio station, the President denounced that are some supporters of that guerrilla in foreign countries, in charge of creating that kind of documentaries, and create web sites for that terrorist group. He declared that they are working in the search of these people, considered as “white-collar criminals”.

“We work with patience but without pauses, at all times, at all times, to fight these criminals. We are also moving forward to find that terrorism’s supporters, who help the Farc from some places”, he said.

President Uribe revealed that was recently inform -when he asked about the people in charge of guerrilla’s web sites- of how that web sites are build by a Colombian psychiatrist, who has asylum in Sweden.

“(…) in the web site of the Farc, in which they write every day, they forget when Farc placed a bomb car in Neiva, or when Farc placed a bomb car in El Nogal Club in Bogotá, or when Farc recently murdered Sumpaz’s city councils in the south of Bogota. It is good to remind this, to those criminals who from foreign countries, are helping the Farc in its terrorist actions”, he said.

As for the videos, the Head of State said that there is information that points some Argentinean citizens as the creators.  

“We must tell these Argentinean criminals who support Farc with videos, that they forgot to film what Farc really does, which is planting antipersonnel mines”, he reiterated.

In order to unveil Farc –Uribe Vélez said- the only thing that we have to do is to show its links with narco terrorism, antipersonnel mines, car bombs and other explosives that they use against the people, and all the assassinations.

“We just need to tell the world how just a few days ago they murdered the Governor of Caquetá and how they try to blow several car bombs in the city of Neiva, which fortunately, we were able to deactivate. That is what we have to do. We do it in an intense way”, he underlined. 


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