Agosto 24

Press release

The government of the Republic of Colombia would like to report that:

1. Based on investigations by official agencies, the government has reached the conclusion that Carlos Mario Jiménez, known as "Macaco," has continued to be engaged in illegal activities posterior to his demobilization.

2. The government has, in consequence, decided to withdraw Carlos Mario
Jiménez from the list of applicants to the Law of Justice and Peace. It has requested that the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Nation transfer his case to the regular criminal justice system. In addition, the government ordered his detainment in the maximum-security penitentiary, "Cómbita."

3. The national government will now process any request presented for the extradition of Carlos Mario Jiménez, subject to approval by the Supreme Court of Justice.

4. The national government also ordered the transfer of Diego Fernando Murillo, known as "Don Berna," to the "Cómbita" penitentiary based on security considerations.

Bogotá, August 24, 2007