Abril 10

Statement of President Álvaro Uribe on the process of the Free Trade Agreement (TLC) in the United States

Bogotá, April 10 (SP). During the celebration of the first year of the information program of “LA FM” last Wednesday at El Nogal Club of Bogotá, President Álvaro Uribe Vélez referred to the TLC project’s revision process by the Congress of the United States. His statement was the following:

“The Government of Colombia hopes and the country requires the approval of the TLC. We believe that it is unlikely that our exports to the US will significantly increase in the future. However, the main immediate consequence of such approval would be the greater confidence in Colombia on the part of investors, which is our aim in order to solve social problems and generate employment of a higher quality with affiliation to social security.

I have told the American delegations who have visited us: the greatest affiliation to social security and the greatest creation of employment of a higher quality is observed among exporters, a sector that is revitalized upon receiving such investments. Furthermore, the TLC with United States aids us with the comprehensive agreement with the EU and in the trade agreement with Canada.

We respect the process taking place in the U.S.

We hope for an approval on the part of the Executive Branch, starting with President Bush and the Congress, led by the Speaker, Representative Nancy Pelosi.

Colombia has always been an advocate of a bipartisan approach to our country. We would like for such approach to continue. More than situational relations with one party or with one Government, these are historical and timeless relations between States.

On our part, we shall continue prudently and working as well”.
