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April 22
European Parliament congratulates the Government of Colombia for its progress in the demobilization process

“We think that Colombia is been a reference for this kind of conflicts that, unfortunately, are plentiful around the world. The European Parliament completely supports the Government of Colombia in this admirable and commendable effort”, the Vice President of the European Parliament said.  

Strasburg, France, April 22 (SP). The Vice President of the European Parliament, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, congratulated the Government of Colombia this Wednesday for the progress of the country in the demobilization process.

Vidal-Quadras received the visit from Frank Pearl, High Commissioner for Peace and Presidential Advisor for Reintegration. The meeting has taking place in Strasbourg (France); one of the cities where the European Parliament has sessions. The main subject was the Colombian process for disarm, demobilization and reintegration.

“I am here with the Government of Colombia’s Commissioner for this process of demobilization, disarm and reintegration, mi good friend, Frank Pearl, who has informed us in detail about the status and huge progresses that Colombia has done. We receive this progress with great satisfaction and congratulate de Government of Colombia for it, and that is why I want to repeat, speaking for the European Parliament, our entire support for this program” Vidal-Quadras said.  

And he added: “We think that Colombia is been a reference for this kind of conflicts that, unfortunately, are plentiful around the world. The European Parliament completely supports the Government of Colombia in this admirable and commendable effort”.

He showed gratitude for the invitation of the Colombian Government for assisting the International Disarm, Demobilization and Reintegration Congress, that is going to be held on May in the city of Cartagena. 

“The European Parliament finds this initiative very interesting; for many years we have closely been tracking this process of Colombia in the demobilization, disarm and reintegration of the terrorist organizations to reach a civil peace situation, with full democracy and the reintegration of all these people into a democratic life” Vice President Vidal-Quadras pointed.

At the meeting were also Eduardo Pizarro, President of the National Commission of Reparation and Reconciliation and Carlos Holmes Trujillo García, Ambassador of Colombia in Brussels.

The visit of the High Commissioner for Peace and Presidential Advisor for Reintegration to Europe began on Monday in Madrid, and will end on Friday in Oslo. This visit plans to generate dialogue to promote the development and strengthening of alliances as well as the construction of scenarios with different governments.

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