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July 05

“Today is an historical day”, the President of the National Commission of Compensation and Reconciliation highlights.

“The important think today is not the monetary compensation. The important think today is that the authorities of the country, led by the President of the Republic, are telling you with our hearts open that we feel all the pain that you have suffered, that we are hurt for the damages that criminal groups have caused you, and above all that in the name of all Colombians, that were not able to avoid this situation, we want to ask for your forgiveness”.

Popayán, July 5 (SP). The President of the National Commission of Compensation and Reconciliation (Nccr), Eduardo Pizarro, highlighted that is the first time that victims in Colombia are receiving compensation, and that is why today is a historical day. The act was lead by President Uribe in Popayan.

“Just four years ago the idea of victims as beneficiaries of the right of truth, justice, compensation and guarantees was not in the national conscience. And it was just beginning to appear in the international conscience. Today, these rights of the victims have solid roots in the national and international public agenda and dozens of associations of victims have emerged all around the country”, he pointed.

Pizarro highlighted that “This is one of the most important achievements of the Justice and Peace Law: the visibility of the victims and their rights. Just for that, today we are living an historical day. It is the first time in the history of Colombia that victims have integral policies for compensation”

The President of the Nccr noted that Judicial processes, with full guarantees as established in a rule of law, are slow, and today we only have one conviction (to aka ‘El Loro’), despite the commitment and dedication of the Attorney General’s Office.

 “That is why we feel glad that President Uribe accepted the administrative compensation. Today we are celebrating the results of this decision” he added.

He expressed that “For the Nccr an integral policy of compensation must be oriented to support the victims to rebuild their projects of life. A project of life which suffered a violent break caused by an antipersonnel mine, sexual abuse, kidnapping, conscription, murder or disappearance of a member of the family”

Pizarro reminded that atrocious crimes cause irreparable damages. No one can be the same after a traumatic experience. That is why compensation is an attempt to repair the irreparable.

“There is always going to be psychological consequences. However, many victims have showed us their capacity to overcome pain and rebuild their project of life. This is the goal of this act”, he pointed

He said that “it is not about just to give an amount of Money. All the money of the world is not enough to fill that hole that a son can leave. But for the victims is recognition for the damages that criminal groups have caused them, recognition for their rights, the commitment of the authorities to guarantee that this acts will never happen again, all this could be a relieve for their pain”.

“That is why the important think today is not the monetary compensation. The important think today is that the authorities of the country, led by the President of the Republic, are telling you with our hearts open that we feel all the pain that you have suffered, that we are hurt for the damages that criminal groups have caused you, and above all that in the name of all Colombians, that were not able to avoid this situation, we want to ask for your forgiveness”, he finished.

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