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July 27
‘I hope guerrillas could think about it and that way we might have much mores Isazas’: President Uribe

At the presentation of the book ‘Years of silence’ (Años de silencio), written by Óscar Tulio Lizcano, the Head of State reiterated that the Government offers rewards and legal benefits for those guerrilla members who decide to demobilize and free hostages, as William Bueno Largo did and thank to that, now he has a new life in Paris.

Bogotá, July 24 (SP). President Álvaro Uribe Vélez reiterated an invitation to guerrilla members to demobilize and free the hostages that remain in captivity, and reminded that the Government offers legal benefits and rewards, as it did with Wilson Bueno Largo, aka ‘Isaza’.

“I want to invite those guerrilla members who have hostages, who keep them in that horror of hide out, to make the same decision ‘Isaza’ took, to free them, to demobilize and turn to a constitutional life by releasing the hostages” Uribe pointed at the presentation of the book ‘Years of silence’, written by Óscar Tulio Lizcano, in the Casa de Nariño.

On October 26 2008, Bueno Largo, a guerrilla member known as ‘Isaza’, decided to leave the Farc, taking with him the former Congressman, Oscar Tulio Lizcano, who was kidnapped 8 years ago.

“To ‘Isaza’, Colombians will always be grateful with you. ¡What a great decision you made! We thank you with our hearts”, he reiterated.

Uribe Vélez reminded that any guerrilla member who decide to free hostages will receive special treatment from the Government, which includes legal benefits and a pecuniary reward: “as we have done with ‘Isaza’, who is having the opportunity to be in Paris rebuilding the path of happiness for his life” .

The Head of State also thanked the Armed Forces for the humanitarian military ring that they made in the zone where ‘Isaza’ run away, which was determinant to demand the guerrillas for the liberation of the hostages.

“When we took that decision, the National Army deployed in that zone of west Caldas, west Risaralda, of Chocó, was tactically advancing, with precaution, but with efficiency, to that humanitarian ring that they finally made”

News About Colombia

Invest in Colombia

Documents 2008

Confidence en Colombia
Social cohesion - Based on freedoms

Investment based - On social responsability

Security - Based on democracy
38 Assembly General OAS
The FARC at their worst moment in history