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May 04
The Head of State stressed that protection of journalists is one of the most important things for the Democratic Security Policy

Bogotá, May 4 (SP). The President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, asked authorities to offer a reward for those who give information about the author of the assault to the residence of Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal, writer and journalist.

This announcement was made by the leader during the balance statement of human rights held at the Casa de Nariño.

“I think that we must get to the top of rewards if it’s needed. If we can clarify this attack, it will be very helpful for Democratic Security” he pointed.  

The Head of State stressed that protection of journalists is one of the most important things for the Democratic Security Policy.

During this act, General Oscar Naranjo, Director of the Police, pointed that the reward for these criminals went up to 20 million pesos.

“Due to the priority of this case, really, the level of uncertainly and priority that the Government has given to it, and the particular condition, that reward is set today for 20 million pesos, for those who can give information to identify the attackers who broke into the journalist’s house and committed burglary and use firearms to intimidate the residents”, said the officer. 

Decrease of journalists’ murders

General Oscar Naranjo highlighted that murders against journalist have significantly decreased in the last 6 years.

He underlined “the recuperation related to protection of journalists in the country, taking into account that in 2002, 11 journalists were killed, seven in 2003, three in 2004, two in 2005, three in 2006, two in 2007 and fortunately no journalists killed in 2008”.

“This year, and I want to communicate this according to the transparency policy of the Government, the journalist José Everardo Aguilar was killed on April 24, at El Bordo (Cauca) when an unidentified men entered to his house and shoot him three times”, he said.

The officer expressed that the National Government has made all the efforts to clarify the murder of this journalist, offering a reward up to 50 million pesos for those who give information about the event.

“President Uribe raised that amount in a Communal Council, in order to get investigative priority for this case, up to 50 million pesos for those who give information that help to solve this homicide” the Director of the Police completed. 

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Documents 2008

Confidence en Colombia
Social cohesion - Based on freedoms

Investment based - On social responsability

Security - Based on democracy
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