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September 01
The President responded favorably to recovery from swine flu

The Head of State has keep in touch with his Government’s officials through virtual contact and responded favorably to recovery from swine flu. Meanwhile, the Commander of the Armed Forces and the Minister of Foreign Affairs were proved not to have it. The results from the Minister of Defense will be available on Tuesday afternoon.

Bogota, September 1st (SP). The Press Secretary of the Presidency of Colombia, César Mauricio Velásquez, informed on Tuesday that President Álvaro Uribe Vélez responded ‘favorably’ to recovery from swine flu.

“The President of the republic responded favorably to recovery from the swine flu. The President is going well, the recovery has been very positive”, Velásquez declared to the press at the Casa de Nariño.

He added that in the afternoon, the doctors will see the Head of State again, but they have already said that the recovery process is going perfectly well.

According to the doctor’s indications, the President is communicating with his staff through virtual media from his private home and he has tried to fulfill his agenda.

“We hope that the President can be able to totally fulfill his agenda next Thursday”, he said.

As for the Minister of Defense, Gabriel Silva, he pointed that he is on preventive treatment and following all the control measures. In the afternoon of this Tuesday the results and medical exams will be available to confirm if he has the virus or not.

“The Minister of Defense is also in isolation, getting better and obeying the doctor’s recommendations and that has also been completely observed”, the Press Secretary expressed.

Cesar Mauricio Velásquez confirmed that the Commander of the Armed Forces, Freddy Padilla de León, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jaime Bermudez do not have the virus.


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