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September 24
Colombia and Ecuador begin direct dialogue to normalize diplomatic relations

The announcement was made from New York by the Ministers of Foreign Affaire of Colombia and Ecuador, Jaime Bermúdez and Fander Falconí. Both countries’ Governments will design a route paper in order to conclude the arrangement.

New York, September 24 (SP). Colombia and Ecuador will begin a direct dialogue process in order to normalize diplomatic relations between both countries.

That announcement was made by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Colombia and Ecuador, Jaime Bermúdez and Fander Falconí, during a joint statement in the city of New York.

According to their explanation, the decision to advance in that process was set in a document that contemplates 11 points in which the dialogue will be focused.

“The Foreign Minister of Ecuador and I feel very pleased to inform the public opinion of both countries that we decided to begin a process of direct dialogue in order to normalize diplomatic relations between both countries”, the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs said.

He affirmed that one of the first actions will be the designation of the people in charge of business, for next October.

“Both presidents have ordered us to concrete the designation of the people in charge of business in October of this year”, Bermúdez pointed.

He said that both Governments’ decision was the result of 8 day of joint work, which allowed presenting both countries’ points of vies and propose some work tables in which they deal with the disagreements.

“We were able to be explicit about the points in which we agree, where there is consensus and at the same time, to define a work methodology for the points in which we disagree, to concrete some work tables to arrange those issues and that way be able to advance in the normalization of our relation”, Bermúdez explained.

The Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Affairs revealed that the decision has the approval of the presidents of both countries.

“There is a political will from our two presidents to bring the two Ministries closer in a dialogue process, and also the need to create a positive vision from now on, to mark the strengthen of what our people really want”, Falconí said.

To conclude, the Ministers thanked the work done by both governments, by the Carter Center and by the Organization of Americas States to get to that decision.


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