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Daniel Enrique Medina

The Minister for Information and Communication Technologies of Colombia, a man from a beautiful, rich and very impressive region known as Casanare, is a serious swimmer and loves to travel. He has committed his professional career to study an employ telecommunication technologies tools in private and public sectors in Europe, Central and South America.

The Minister is an Electronic Engineer graduated from Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá as one of the finest students in his class, and also was distinguished with the best graduation project. He holds studies in Macroeconomics and Econometrics and postgraduate studies in Telematics from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. He obtained his MBA degree, emphasized in strategy and digital business, from the Robert H. School of Business of the Maryland University in the United States.

With a professional career of more than 20 years, the Minister has stood out in Colombia as Project Director for Telematics in Ecopetrol, a business consultant in firms in

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Cali, Pereira and Bogota, as well as Executive Director and member of the Commission for the Regulation of Communications, CRC.

In addition, he has worked as a special consultant for governments and enterprises in areas such as: competition in the new scene of new markets and also regarding the interconnection among new operators, tariffs regulations and customer service trough out e-government as a mean for auditing telephonic quality service in countries like Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador and the Republic of Panama.


Dirección: Edificio Murillo Toro Cra. 8a entre calles 12 y 13. Bogotá Teléfono: 3443460

Contacto prensa: Claudia Muñoz Rocha

Teléfono: 3442362

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